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New In-Year Admissions Application Portal

We are delighted to share with you that the new In-Year Admissions Application Portal (Parent Portal) has gone live. This means that parents can apply online (any device), 24/7 and securely. Please see the In-Year Admissions webpage for a link to the portal

We are not providing paper application forms to families other than to those who for equalities reasons cannot use the portal and cannot be supported to use the portal. If a parent comes in asking for a form, please direct them to the portal to apply in the first instance.


For families that need support with the online application, Ideas Stores have access to PCs and staff will support with their use.


You will notice that as part of the digital application families must upload a School History Form, also available from


This form must be downloaded and provided electronically to the school by the applicant. The school completes and returns to the applicant electronically, ready for upload with the application. These must not be handed in as paper forms to the Hub/Town Hall for the attention of School Admissions Service. They will not be actioned if they arrive in this format.


We hope that by digitalising we better serve our customers and our colleagues receive fewer enquiries! It is the dawn of a new age!

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